Medicare and You, We Got U. Just Stop It right now, you know everyone is only talking to you from their position. Does anyone listen anymore? We do and we also help folks here in New York as a navigator with individual and group healthcare concerns. In other words we advise on all Health Insurance not only one line of business and we think this matters and so should You. Give us a call and lets just talk about your needs and see what evolves from there. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to work with you! Brandon and Robert +You. never alone.
Call Robert (585) 354-1915 or Brandon (585) 354-2738
In-person, Phone or Virtual, choose whats comfortable for You!
Are You turning 65 or looking to review your current Medicare coverage? Feeling a bit overwhelmed or confused? You are not alone! We work to help you understand the benefits, costs and drawbacks of any plan you may be evaluating.
+Plus we don’t advertise benefits most folks don’t qualify for since a majority of these TV benefits require people to have Medicaid on top of their Medicare eligibility and for working folks like You, this simply does not exist! You paid for these benefits your Whole Life, lets not forget this!
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